Oh Hey! I’m Laura!

Being an “entrepreneur” was never on my radar. I was happy and content in my 9-5 cubicle lifestyle, coasting through life at my 16 year job in the beauty industry.

Unfortunately, I got hit with health issues that tossed me around like a rag doll. After getting sick I did a deep re-evaluation on all the products I was using (personal care, cleaning products, pain relievers) and found that there must be a healthier and natural way. This catapulted me on a mission to learn all that I was going through. I wanted to heal permanently and not hover in “remission” status.

Enter in... Essential Oils.

For centuries, cultures around the world have used plants extracts for overall wellness. After much research, I started to slowly incorporate more oils and at the same time remove toxic products that were unhealthy for my family and I.

My background as a makeup artist enabled me to help others feel beautiful on the outside. And now, I have added Essential Oils to make one feel both beautiful and healthy from the inside out. Oils like Lavender, Frankincense, Helichrysum, and Rose Hip all have amazing skin benefits when applied topically, from skin radiance to helping heal dermatitis, eczema and acne.

As someone who has dealt with health issues including migraines since I was a teenager, understanding the desire for natural support to help heal is truly important to me. As a professional and also a mom, I believe that Essential Oils is a great alternative to support healing and pain relief. It's great for boosting mood, sleep support, and nervous system re-balancing to reduce anxiety and stress.

This journey has placed a passion in me to start The Honest Oil Company. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for my 16 years in the beauty industry because it gave me a wealth of knowledge, from trend forecasting to working on innovative cutting edge technology in cosmetics such as colour, ingredients, and texture. I also have loads of experience as a packaging specialist, such as researching and working with packaging designers to develop new packaging technologies for products.

My goal here at The Honest Oil Company is to help others make small changes to their lifestyle that can lead to lasting results.

When I'm not running around after 2 young children, you can find me actively sourcing new blends for The Honest Oil Company while munching away on Tostitos and Salsa.